Hits: 527
The two different titles for the next two articles are due to spelling variations between the British and American style. The content of the two articles are identical. Lewis wrote in 1941 that Screwtape sought to create the Materialist Magician…their perfect work.
To emotionalize and mythologize their science
To emotionalise and mythologise their science
Hits: 795
Arend Smilde’s C.S. Lewis pages containing numerous links and helpful notes to many of Lewis’ works.
Hits: 921
For those who have no idea about C.S. Lewis and his work, and are just looking for a fun site, there is plenty to investigate and enjoy right here, and what you find here may well lead you into years of enjoyable reading as you discover the existence of one of the finest writers of this century, and find out about his books.
Hits: 876
Founded in 1976 in the legacy of C. S. Lewis, the Institute endeavors to develop disciples who will articulate, defend, and live their faith in Christ in personal and public life.
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C.S. Lewis on Evolution: The Acworth Letters, 1944-1960.
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The C. S. Lewis Review is an online journal designed to stimulate reflections on the life, work, and influence of Clive Staples Lewis, and other Christian writers and thinkers who represent significant linkages to the tradition Lewis exemplified of Christian scholarship and imaginative writing. Both scholarly and devotional entries will be posted here, as well as class materials for various seminars and presentations. It has been published and edited continuously since 1995 under various URLs, and now finds its comfortable home base as the C. S. Lewis Review.
Hits: 888
Inspired by the life and legacy of C.S. Lewis, the C.S. Lewis Foundation is dedicated to advancing the renewal of Christian thought and creative expression throughout the world of learning and the culture at large.
“I believe in Christianity as I believe that the sun has risen not only because I see it, but because by it I see everything else.” From C.S. Lewis, Weight of Glory, “Is Theology
Hits: 874
Ken Symes serves up a daily jolt of java from “Jack” Lewis.
Hits: 1994
The C.S. Lewis Society of California is an independent, non-profit, educational and cultural organization whose mission involves the pursuit of the following:
- Stimulate and advance public interest in the life, works, and ideas of C. S. Lewis
- Encourage a deeper understanding of C. S. Lewis as a man, author and thinker, as well as others’ work which pertains to such topics
- Foster understanding of the philosophical, religious, cultural, historical, literary, social, and economic topics C. S. Lewis addressed and which relate to this work and the enduring issues facing all of mankind
- Serve as a clearinghouse or resource of information about him and topics that relate to his work
- Promote both popular and scholarly study and writing about such topics
- Sponsor and organize speaker programs and other events focusing on such topics
- Network with and assist other organizations that share an active interest in such topic